Well, we thought the other night our site was going to launch, but over the past 48 hours, we've had one heck of a time getting three massive scripting errors worked out. (Basically what really makes the site actually work the way it should). We've asked our designer to take a look again and they're trying to pinpoint the issue at this very moment. We do ask for your continued patience - trust us, no one is as anxious as we are to get this site up and running like it should!
We have several client galleries ready to be viewed online, but until we can resolve the scripting errors, we can't provide you with a working link so that you can see them. We're working frantically to at least get our online proofing gallery online if nothing else at this point, but even that is giving us some difficulties. That at this point is our top priority.
You may still email us at info@bwdphotography.com and we can try to answer any questions you may have.
Please bear with us as we make this transition.