Graduation Announcements
Your senior year - you've waited a long time for this ONE year...your parents on the other hand, well, they might like to hang on to you for a little while longer. Your senior year can also include several mounting expenses for parents - pictures, announcements, cap and gown, yearbooks, trips, gifts, planning for college, banquets, proms, the list can go on and on.

Just the other day we were having a conversation with a dad planning a session for his daughter when he asked 'exactly how much is all of this going to cost me?'. He went on to explain that he's already been made aware of several purchases during his daughters senior year that amount to over $500 each! We were happy and excited to tell him, we never put a minimum dollar order requirement on anything in our studio - images are left online during the school year so parents can make purchases here and there as they need and want to.

He then turned the conversation to graduation announcements - something we're very proud of at our studio! We create custom, one of a kind, graduation announcements complete with your information and favorite image from your session. We will include several samples in your online gallery, and you may also choose any variation of some of other predesigned samples as well! The deadline for ordering your graduation annoucements for 2008 is March 31. This allows you enough time to address envelopes and get them mailed in time for graduation!