James' Senior Pictures
Yesterday, I had the extra special pleasure of photographing James' senior pictures. James, a senior at Elgin, brought along his dad's Harley and we incorporated it into some of the pix - this first one is a personal favorite.
After graduation - James plans on working for a local auto body shop - he'll be the one you need to call when you get into some fender benders and the like!! He's a wiz at cars and well, anything with wheels for that matter. He might not talk your leg off, he's the tall quite type, but you can tell those wheel's inside his head are always running and watching!!
Congratulations on making it to the end of your senior year!! I'm super proud of you! (Oh, did I mention that Jame's just happens to be a third cousin of mine....and his mom Jana is one of the nicest ladie's you'll ever meet!) Have fun at prom this weekend and enjoy these last few weeks. I know you've worked really hard to get to this point! I absolutely LOVE this first picture!! The blues are all so rich!