Girl's Day
Today Kal and I had a 'Girl's Day' - Shawn decided to have a 'Dad day' and headed up to watch a multitude of basketball finals - Kallie and I decided we'd do something a bit more creative. We started at the pottery painting place 'A Pigment of Your Imagination' where we proceeded to paint an ice cream cone, a flower and a mug (all of which Kallie picked out). They won't be ready until Thursday and we'll have to post some pictures of our special art pieces. We had an absolute blast and I have a feeling, it will become a much more frequent event for the two of us. Below isn't our exact ice cream cone, but enough for you to get the idea....we had way too much fun! (I do not recommend you wearing good clothes though - especially with little ones).

Then we decided to walk over to Hastings where a friend of the family, now both an attorney and author, was signing his new book - 'The Oklahoma Scrananimal'. Larry Derryberry, a native of Altus and close friends with our Nana (Mitzi) and my late Papaw (Calvin) signed a special book for us along with several others who stood in line. The book is something I will highly recommend if you have little ones - a CD comes with it and features great voices of Jayne Jaroe, Barry Switzer and Gov. Brad Henry to just name a few. 

We rounded out our girls day with a trip to one of Kallie's favorite places to eat - Wayne's Drive in. We ordered our hamburgers and cherry cokes (our fav), came home and had a picnic in the living room. We also did a few loads of laundry which weren't nearly as fun, but a necessity. We had to call Dad and tell him he missed out on all of the fun. Maybe if he's lucky, we'll take him along next time.
Girl's day is one of my favorite things to do with my daughter. We spend some very personalized time together. We've discvoered it doesn't matter what we do - just as long as we're together. Typically, girl's night is a pizza picnic on Mom's bed as we watch a Strawberry Shortcake movie. What can POSSIBLY be better than that??