Chelsea & Terre
Okay, I'm a little backlogged lately, but here are a few of the inital images from Chelsea & Terre's wedding from a couple of weeks ago. They were married at St. John's Lutheran Church in Lawton and their 'Pretty in Pink' cake was done by the mother of one of the bridesmaids - Robin - who did a supurb job! It was one of the most animated weddings we've shot in a long time. I've got some beautiful pictures of the couple - but just had to share what some of these groomsmen did!! They really kept me in stiches! 
I love this shot because of the view of the cross in the background.This was their 'Captain Morgan' stance - This was the last shot after about 4-5 shots just to see who could stand their the longest....I thought I'd have some fun of my own.

The groomsmen were all about giving Terre the love.
Then it just became a contest to see who could outdo the other...
If something ever happens to Gene Simmons with KISS - I found his backup!!